When ISPs Run Out of Public IPv4 Space

General description

IIJ Tokyo office
Problem Statement
Broadband (cable/DSL) and wireless (GSM/3G) providers will not have enough IPv4 space to give a unique IPv4 address to each CPE or terminal so that every consumer has traditional IPv4 connectivity.


09:00-09:15 Introductions and Logistics
09:15-09:45 Technology panel (Randy)
- What is the problem space?
- Where do solutions fit?
- Where do solutions overlap?
Mark Townsley - Scenarios
Dave Thaler - the IETF
09:45-10:45 Technology overviews
(a day in the life of a packet)
- Solution Comparisons (Alain)
- A+P Details (Randy)
- DS-Lite Details (Alain)
- NAT444 (Miyakawa)
- 6rd (Mark)
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-11:30 Generic issues in sharing IPv4 addresses (Alain Durand)
- User control of port management
- Logging
- LEA requirements vs privacy concerns
- Deployment models: vertical vs horizontal scaling, capacity adjustment
11:30-13:00 Demos
- DS-Lite with A+P
- NAT444
Vendors: A10, Acme Packet, ISC
13:00-14:30 Lunch at your own
14:30-16:45 Operator Needs, Experiences, and Experiments
Attendee operators talk of their needs, experiences, and plans
16:45-17:00 Wrap-up

Matsuzaki 'maz' Yoshinobu - maz@iij.ad.jp